10 Best Restorative Yoga Poses


In today’s fast-paced world, the need for relaxation and stress relief is greater than ever. Restorative yoga, often referred to as “active relaxation,” offers a soothing and gentle approach to yoga that can help you unwind, release tension, and rejuvenate your body and mind. Unlike more vigorous forms of yoga, restorative yoga involves holding poses for extended periods while using props to support the body. In this blog post, we will explore what restorative yoga is and introduce you to 10 restorative yoga poses along with their steps, variations, and benefits.

10 Best Restorative Yoga Poses

What is Restorative Yoga?

Restorative yoga is a yoga practice that prioritizes relaxation and renewal. It involves a series of passive, supported postures that help to quiet the mind and release physical and mental tension. The use of props like blankets, bolsters, blocks, and straps is common in restorative yoga to create a comfortable and supportive environment for the practitioner. This style of yoga allows for deep relaxation, encourages mindfulness, and enhances self-awareness.

Restorative yoga is not about stretching or building strength, but rather about letting go and surrendering to the present moment. It is an excellent practice for anyone, including beginners, those recovering from injuries, or individuals seeking a counterbalance to a busy and stressful lifestyle.

10 Restorative Yoga Poses

1. Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Steps: Lie on your back with your arms and legs extended. Close your eyes, and relax every part of your body. Take a deep breath and release any built-up stress.

Variation: Place a bolster beneath your knees to provide support for your lower back.

Benefits: Savasana is the ultimate relaxation pose, reducing stress, and anxiety, and promoting mental clarity.

2. Child’s Pose

Steps: Lower yourself into a kneeling position, sitting on your heels, and then stretch your arms forward with your forehead resting on the mat, allowing your upper body to rest on your thighs.

Variation: Place a cushion between your thighs and chest for added comfort.

Benefits: Child’s Pose gently stretches the lower back, and hips, and calms the mind.

3. Supported Bridge Pose

Steps: Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place a block under your sacrum. Extend your arms out to the sides of your body.

Variation: Adjust the height of the block for a deeper or gentler backbend.

Benefits: This pose releases tension in the lower back and opens the chest.

4. Supported Fish Pose

Steps: Place a bolster lengthwise along your spine. Lie back on the bolster with your arms extended overhead.

Variation: You can use a folded blanket under your head for extra neck support.

Benefits: It opens the chest, throat, and heart chakra while reducing shoulder and neck tension.

5. Legs Up the Wall Pose

Steps: Sit with your side against the wall and swing your legs up. Rest your heels against the wall and lie on your back.

Variation: Place a cushion under your hips for added support.

Benefits: Relieves leg fatigue, reduces swelling, and calms the nervous system.

6. Supported Pigeon Pose

Steps: Begin in Downward Dog, bring your right knee behind your right wrist, and slide your left leg back. Place a bolster under your chest and rest your forehead on your forearms.

Variation: Place a cushion under your bent knee for additional support.

Benefits: Opens the hips and eases lower back discomfort.

7. Reclining Bound Angle Pose

Steps: Lie on your back, bend your knees, and bring the soles of your feet together. Place a bolster under your spine.

Variation: Use blocks under your knees if you need more support.

Benefits: Relaxes the groin, inner thighs, and pelvis.

8. Supported Twist

Steps: Lie on your back with arms extended, bend your knees, and drop them to one side. Put a bolster beneath your knees.

Variation: Adjust the height and placement of the bolster as needed.

Benefits: Aids in spinal mobility and releases tension in the back.

9. Supported Sphinx Pose

Steps: Lie on your belly and prop yourself up on your forearms. Use a cushion under your chest for support.

Variation: You can place a cushion under your hips for added comfort.

Benefits: Opens the chest, stretches the abdomen, and relieves mild back pain.

10. Supported Headstand

Steps: Start with your forearms and head on the ground, forming a triangular base. Lift your legs overhead and rest them against the wall.

Variation: Ensure your head is supported with a cushion or yoga block.

Benefits: Improves blood circulation, relieves stress, and enhances focus


Restorative yoga offers a sanctuary of calm in the midst of our hectic lives. These ten restorative yoga poses, each with its own unique variations and benefits, can help you find solace, release tension, and renew your body and mind. Remember to move at your own pace, listen to your body, and embrace the peace and serenity that restorative yoga provides. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just beginning your journey, these poses are a gentle and accessible way to incorporate relaxation into your daily routine. Take the time to rejuvenate yourself through the healing practice of restorative yoga.

Having read through all these poses it is necessary that you join a course on Yoga in India to explore more on this form of Yoga.

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